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Holistic Yoga and Reiki

In this integrative and prescriptive approach to introducing shadow work and subtle body healing through education, movement and practice, you can combine our online course: The Subtle Body with Usui Holy Fire® Reiki and Gentle Yoga to enhance your current health care and wellness approach.

Sunday Yoga Online

A great way to start experiencing holistic reiki and yoga is by joining our live online class every Sunday at 7PM Eastern.  Each class integrates Holy Fire® Reiki into our gentle movement practice and may include some insightful text or guidance for improved holistic wellness and self-care.


Learn Reiki & The Subtle Body Online

The Subtle Body, also known as the Chakra System is also known as the emotional or energetic body.  In our online course we center material around learning the developmental stages associated with each of the seven chakras and provide holistic yoga and reiki practices to heal each area.  We also provide training and degree placement for Holy Fire Reiki I, II and III.


Integrating Plant Medicine

Plant medicine, herbs, oils and minerals can help support the body and it's biological function and can also improve mind/body connection assisting in overall health, mindfulness, weight loss and stress reduction. 


Holistic Yoga and Reiki for Wellbeing

Whether you are looking to start or enhance your personal or professional holistic practices, our online courses, monthly memberships, service packages and training can support the development of an integrated holistic yoga and reiki practice enhancing your body's capability to heal by regulating stress as you practice.

Schedule a free Holistic Health Assessment to better understand the approach of holistic yoga and reiki and learn ways to get started today. 

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